
Monthly Archives: March 2014

Last night before going to bed, I had a sudden urge to do something radical. I could have done something cool, like writing a song, running away, or some other activity that cool, radical people do.

Instead, I cut myself a fringe. I’ve done this twice before, but at least with some kind of pre-thought. This time, I literally just picked up the scissors and chopped it off. Consequently, it’s a bit un-even and a bit short, for which Sydney’s humidity level does no favours.Despite its awkward presence on my face, I’m glad I did it. Incoherent, edgy, disoriented – why, what an accurate description of my current existential state!

I do hope, that like my fringe, my existential crisis will too, grow out. Considering the average rate that my hair grows, I should have my life sorted out in about 3 months…

But let’s not get caught up into time periods and dates – they both features on my list of ‘taboo conversation topics’, alongside ‘current projects’, ‘plans for the year’, ‘full time work’, etc. The mere question from innocent new acquaintances, “So what do you do?”, erupts nothing less than a volcano inside my existentially sensitive self. Is it reasonable for me to respond with, “I’m currently having an existential crisis…it’s going swell”? Perhaps my new fringe will ward off such questions.

In other news, I volunteered and attended the French film festival in Sydney over the past few weeks. Somewhere between the painful nostalgie of French culture and the films’ emotionally draining subject-matter, I enjoyed it. Highlights were “Venus à la fourrure”, a very clever and very funny encounter between a first-time theatre director and the potential lead-role which blurs the lines between reality and performance, as well as “Violette”, a biopic about Violette Leduc, a French feminist writer who was mentored by Madame De Beauvoir, yet unfortunately led a miserable, lonely existence. And ain’t that the way le cookie crumbles.

Until my next noteworthy life-event, good night!